Friday, May 29, 2015

Dreams of a being a millionaire...

As I was growing up, I was often asked what I wanted to be.  At a little kid, I didn't know.  I think at one point and time I said firefighter.  Every kid has some dream to be a super hero at some point right?  Somewhere in that pea size brain of mine I must of believe that was the realist thing.  Or maybe I just wanted to, in someway -- save people.

Going to high school teachers and friends would ask what I wanted to be when I grow up?  My response became "millionaire."  Everybody would laugh or chuckle and respond with something cliche like "don't we all," or "me too,"  and the next follow up question would be, "Really what do you want to be?"  

"A millionaire."  I had to give them a stern response.  Then of course the next question slaps me back into reality.  "How?"  I guess they were right to be skeptics.

"No fucking clue"  I always thought, but my response would be "I'm not sure, own some type of business, a restaurant maybe.  Invest, stocks?  I just know I want to be rich."

Now as an adult, I think I can finally say that (I'm currently 27).  I understand what it is to be rich.  By financial means I'm no where close to being a millionaire, however, I'm feeling pretty rich lately.  I'm healthy, my girlfriend is a beaut, work is awesome, family is good, friends are too.  I'm not struggling to make ends meet.  So I guess as an adult, if you ask me, "what do you want to be?"  My response would be,
